Von der ersten Seite an folgt der Leser gebannt Meyerhoffs jugendlichem Helden, der sich aufmacht, einen der begehrten Plätze in einer amerikanischen Gastfamilie zu ergattern.
Der junge Held in Meyerhoffs zweitem Roman wächst zwischen Hunderten von Verrückten als jüngster Sohn des Direktors einer Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie auf – und mag es sogar sehr.
Aigües encantades (1908) se situa en un poble de la part alta i muntanyosa de les comarques tarragonines i planteja el típic conflicte modernista entre l'individu i la societat.
This title features three hilarious short stories in one book: Penny Dreadful and the Best Friend; Penny Dreadful is Incredibly Contagious and Penny Dreadful becomes a Tycoon.
The Cookie Jar's busiest time of the year also happens to be the most wonderful time...for Christmas cookies, Hannah's own special plum pudding - and romance!
BB is in his 40s, still living with his mother and making his living with an unrewarding (in every sense) hospital job. His 'real' world is a virtual one. On a website which he has called 'badguysrock', he has an avatar - ....
When an exotic stranger, Vianne Rocher, arrives in the French village of Lansquenet and opens a chocolate boutique directly opposite the church, Father Reynaud denounces her as a serious moral danger to his flock....
Beyond the main street of Les Laveuses runs the Loire, smooth and brown as a sunning snake - but hiding a deadly undertow beneath its moving surface. This is where Framboise, a secretive widow named after a raspberry liqueur, plies her culinary trade...
Suburban witches, defiant old ladies, ageing monsters, suicidal Lottery winners, wolf men, dolphin women and middle-aged manufacturers of erotic leatherwear.
Nel villaggio di Malbry non e` facile essere giovani e coltivare i propri sogni. Le regole e la disciplina la fanno da padroni; i giochi e gli incantesimi sono stati proibiti. Eppure Maddy non ha mai smesso di credere nel potere dei sogni e della magia.