Tudományos fantasztikus


Találatok: 301 db

Aldous Huxley: Le meilleur des mondes

POCKET, 2021

Voici pres d'un siecle, dans d'étourdissantes visions, Aldous Huxley imagine une civilisation future jusque dans ses rouages les plus surprenants :


Ár: 4 225 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

Alfred Bester: Tigr! Tigr!

AST, 2017

Avarija v otkrytom kosmose – poistine uzhasnoe sobytie. Edinstvennyj vyzhivshij na bortu, pomoschnik mekhanika Gulliver Fojl, smirilsja s neizbezhnoj gibelju.


Ár: 4 995 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

Andy Weir: Project Hail Mary


An irresistible interstellar adventure as only Andy Weir could deliver, Project Hail Mary is a tale of discovery, speculation, and survival to rival The Martian—while taking us to places it never dreamed of going.


Ár: 10 925 Ft

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Andy Weir: Project Hail Mary

DEL REY, 2021

An irresistible interstellar adventure as only Andy Weir could imagine it, Project Hail Mary is a tale of discovery, speculation, and survival to rival The Martian -- while taking us to places it never dreamed of going.


Ár: 5 550 Ft

Boltunkban nem kapható

Andy Weir: Seul sur Mars


Mark Watney est l’un des premiers hommes a poser le pied sur Mars. Il pourrait etre le premier a y mourir.


Ár: 7 675 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

Andy Weir: The Martian

DEL REY, 2014

The bestseller behind the major film from Ridley Scott, starring Matt Damon and Jessica Chastain.


Ár: 3 850 Ft

Boltunkban pillanatnyilag nem kapható, várható beszerzési idő két-három hét

Antonia Honeywell: The Ship

W&N, 2016

Welcome to London, but not as you know it. Oxford Street burned for three weeks; Regent's Park has been bombed; the British Museum is occupied by those with nowhere else to go.


Ár: 7 650 Ft

Boltunkban pillanatnyilag nem kapható, várható beszerzési idő két-három hét

Arthur C. Clarke: 2001 - A Space Odyssey


A special new Introduction by the author highlights this reissue of a classic science fiction novel that changed the way people looked at the stars--and themselves.


Ár: 4 125 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

Arthur C. Clarke: 2010: Odyssey Two

DEL REY, 1984

This sequel to 2001: a space odyssey answersthe questions left by its predecessor. Captain Chandler investigates the lapse in Hal's sanity and the disappearance of Dave Bowman.


Ár: 3 395 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

Arthur C. Clarke: 3001: The Final Odyssey

DEL REY, 1998

One thousand years after the Jupiter mission to explore the mysterious Monolith had been destroyed, after Dave Bowman was transformed into the Star Child, Frank Poole drifted in space, frozen and forgotten, leaving the supercomputer HAL inoperable.


Ár: 3 395 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

Arthur C. Clarke: Rama II


Years ago, the enormous, enigmatic alien spacecraft called Rama sailed through our solar system as mind-boggling proof that life existed —or had existed—elsewhere in the universe.


Ár: 2 675 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

Arthur C. Clarke: Rama Revealed


On its mysterious voyage through deep space, a massive, alien starship carries its passengers to the end of a generations-long odyssey.


Ár: 3 750 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

Arthur C. Clarke: Rendezvous with Rama


At first, only a few things are known about the celestial object that astronomers dub Rama. It is huge, weighing more than ten trillion tons. And it is hurtling through the solar system at an inconceivable speed.


Ár: 2 450 Ft

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Arthur C. Clarke: Sunstorm

DEL REY, 2006

Returned to the Earth of 2037 by the Firstborn, mysterious beings of almost limitless technological prowess, Bisesa Dutt is haunted by the memories of her five years spent on the strange alternate Earth called Mir, a jigsaw-puzzle world made up of lands


Ár: 2 995 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

Találatok: 301 db