It takes all kinds of people to make a world, the expression goes. But maybe it really takes only two kinds. People who put ketchup on their fries, and people who put the ketchup on the side. People who squeeze gently from the bottom, and people who manh
Christina Strutt of Cabbages & Roses reveals how to have a calmer, healthier, eco-friendly home. Saving the planet for future generations is a laudable aim, but what about the current populace?
The Little Book of Olympic Spirit contains more than 185 quotes from athletes and officials, all on the subject of the four-yearly festival of sporting excellence that is the Olympic Games.
Ganbatte (gan-ba-tay) is a Japanese philosophy focused on doing the best you can with what you have. Though there is no direct translation, "Keep Going," and "Give it your all," embody the sentiments behind the word.
Do you want to lose weight easily and healthily? Do you want to improve your gut health? Do you want to increase your energy and vitality at the same time?
Short and simple meditations that can be used throughout the working day to reduce stress, strengthen focus and concentration, enhance working relationships and improve the quality of your day.
Wider den Zwang zur Selbstoptimierung!Wir alle stehen unter dem Diktat des positiven Denkens. Noch nie konnten wir angeblich so einfach unser Glück finden, wir müssen es nur wollen, es liegt in unserer Hand! Selbstoptimierung ist Pflicht.
The seven rules to follow to realise your true purpose in life-distilled by Arnold Schwarzenegger from his own journey of ceaseless reinvention and extraordinary achievement, and available for absolutely anyone.
These quick games, exercises, and activities are designed to reduce stress wherever and whenever it strikes, in meetings, in front of the computer, or when dealing with difficult people.
This book gives you the help and information you need to get started on your graduate career – understanding what's out there, how to make sense of it, and how to make good choices.
When you apply for your first job, your CV is compared to hundreds of others from graduates with similar academic credentials. You've only got the time it takes the employer to scan the pages to show how brilliant you are.
After decades of research, world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D., discovered a simple but groundbreaking idea: the power of mindset.
Life and work are intrinsically linked. They are not separate; they are one.If we want to live an extraordinary life, we have to make our work equally extraordinary.
At the heart of Born to Run lies a mysterious tribe of Mexican Indians, the Tarahumara, who live quietly in canyons and are reputed to be the best distance runners in the world.