Elena Ferrante: My Brilliant Friend (Neapolitan Novels, Book 1)

From one of Italy’s most acclaimed authors, comes this ravishing and generous-hearted novel about a friendship that lasts a lifetime. The story of Elena and Lila begins in the 1950s in a poor but vibrant neighbourhood on the outskirts of Naples.
ISBN: 9781609450786
Szerző: Elena Ferrante
Oldalszám: 336
Kötés: Puhakötés
Kiadás éve: 2012
Formátum: Könyv
Nyelv: angol

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Ár: 6 425 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab


Growing up on these tough streets the two girls learn to rely on each other ahead of anyone or anything else, as their friendship, beautifully and meticulously rendered, becomes a not always perfect shelter from hardship. Ferrante has created a memorable portrait of two women, but My Brilliant Friend is also the story of a nation. Through the lives of Elena and Lila, Ferrante gives her readers the story of a city and a country undergoing momentous change.


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