Sheridan Le Fanu: Carmilla - The Cult Classic That Inspired Dracula

In an isolated castle deep in the Austrian forest, Laura leads a solitary life with only her ailing father for company. Until one moonlit night, a horse-drawn carriage crashes into view, carrying an unexpected guest - the beautiful Carmilla.
ISBN: 9781782275848
Szerző: Sheridan Le Fanu
Oldalszám: 160
Kötés: Keménykötés
Kiadás éve: 2020
Formátum: Könyv
Nyelv: angol

Értékelés(Még nem érkezett értékelés.)

Ár: 6 995 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab


So begins a feverish friendship between Laura and her mysterious, entrancing companion. But as Carmilla becomes increasingly strange and volatile, prone to eerie nocturnal wanderings, Laura finds herself tormented by nightmares and growing weaker by theday...


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