David Hume: A Tratise of Human Nature

"Human nature is the only science of man, and yet has hitherto been the most neglected"
ISBN: 9780140432442
Szerző: David Hume
Oldalszám: 678
Kötés: Puhakötés
Kiadás éve: 1969
Formátum: Könyv
Nyelv: angol

Értékelés(Még nem érkezett értékelés.)

Ár: 5 625 Ft

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One of the most significant works of Western philosophy, Hume's Treatise was published in 1739-40, before he was thirty years old. A pinnacle of English empiricism, it is a comprehensive attempt to apply scientific methods of observation to a study of human nature, and a vigorous attack upon the principles of traditional metaphysical thought. With masterly eloquence, Hume denies the immortality of the soul and the reality of space; considers the manner in which we form concepts of identity, cause and effect; and speculates upon the nature of freedom, virtue and emotion. Opposed both to metaphysics and to rationalism, Hume's philosophy of informed scepticism sees man not as a religious creation, nor as a machine, but as a creature dominated by sentiment, passion and appetite.


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