Klaus-Michael Bogdal: Europe and the Roma - A History of Fascination and Fear Hardcover

This remarkable book describes a dark side of European history: the rejection of the Roma from their initial arrival in the late Middle Ages to the present day.
ISBN: 9780241519028
Szerző: Klaus-Michael Bogdal
Oldalszám: 608
Kötés: Keménykötés
Kiadás éve: 2023
Formátum: Könyv
Nyelv: angol

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Ár: 14 990 Ft

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To Europeans, the Roma appeared to be in complete contradiction with their own culture, because of their mysterious origins, unknown language and way of life. As representatives of an oral culture, for centuries the Roma have left virtually no written records of their own. Their history has been conveyed to us almost exclusively through the distorted images that European cultures project.


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