Paula Hawkins: The Girl on the Train

A global bestseller featuring an alcoholic narrator and a life watched from behind the scenes - until it becomes reality.
ISBN: 9781784161101
Szerző: Paula Hawkins
Oldalszám: 416
Kötés: Puhakötés
Kiadás éve: 2016
Formátum: Könyv
Nyelv: angol

Értékelés(3 felhasználó véleménye alapján)

Ár: 3 450 Ft

Boltunkban pillanatnyilag nem kapható, várható beszerzési idő négy-hat hét


Rachel catches the same commuter train every morning. She knows it will wait at the same signal each time, overlooking a row of back gardens. She’s even started to feel like she knows the people who live in one of the houses. ‘Jess and Jason’, she callsthem. Their life – as she sees it – is perfect. If only Rachel could be that happy.
And then she sees something shocking. It’s only a minute until the train moves on, but it’s enough.
Now everything’s changed. Now Rachel has a chance to become a partof the lives she’s only watched from afar. Now they’ll see; she’s much more than just the girl on the train…

Értékelések (3)

A "vonatos" Holtodiglan 2016-10-12 13:17:52
Még alig hűlt ki a helye volt férje mellett, Rachel máris kénytelen végignézni, ahogy régi házába új nő költözik régi párja mellé. Rachel számára a napi ingázás Londonba és a vonatablakon túli világ jelenti az egyetlen menedéket a múltján való bánkódás és az alkoholizmus alternatívái elől - a vonatról pedig volt férjén és annak új családján kívül egy idealizált pár, Megan és Scott életét is figyelemmel kísérheti. A bonyodalmak akkor kezdődnek, mikor Megan eltűnik - Rachel pedig az alkoholnak hála csak arra emlékszik, hogy aznap este a környéken járt... A könyv naplóbejegyzéseken keresztül ismertet meg minket a főszereplő nők gondolataival, érzéseivel és indítékaival, miközben egy összetett nyomozás bontakozik ki a szemünk előtt. A történet filmváltozata 2016 őszén kerül a magyar mozikba, Emily Blunt főszereplésével, Tate Taylor rendezésében.
on the train 2017-09-29 10:35:34
Once upon a time … in a fairy tail but the similarity ends here. An immaculate, normal houswife how became to an unconcoius, haughty, divorced, alcoholist single women as the result of domestic violence. Is this a study about machos, domestic violence, power and weakness? Maybe but the story goes on, paralel with the girl on a trian. A mock happy family life, a murder. The steak not high for her but she involved. Maybe she is hopeless. In a different view points (the assaults is missing) slowly with nice english guicker and quicker… Its look like a train journey, but the reader cant get off. Its London, but ,how i have newer seen, no rain, but never shine and Rachel is not Emily Bunt (than like in the movie) but she is just the girl next door. In the opposite window you can see yourself what could have been, what should be but the life is so disappointing and no equality between man and women. A real page turner, but no hope., Inspite of the fact that nobody can naiv like this, i loved it. I understand how became so popular. I think it should be taught in schools if we want to talk about alcoholism and domestic violence but the protagonist seemed to be little exeggarated ….Shows how it works . And the train don’t stop……..
The train never stops 2017-10-27 17:16:16
Have you ever felt anxious? So much that you just can’t wait for the end? Do you enjoy the waves of adrenalin-without doing anything extreme? Are you tired of the brave, black-and-white characters? Do you need a gripping plot? This book provides all of this. It’s like fresh water after a hard day- even though it’s everything but calm and relaxing. You can easily get lost in it, you won’t stop flicking the papers, sometimes jumping a sentence- than realize that you’ve made a mistake. Because every single word in this book has its meaning, the reason why it is there, you can’t leave one unread. The characters are pieces of art. And that’s not because they are sophisticated- that’s because they are like us. Like you, like your neighbour, like me. They are human beings, making mistakes, living their life. And especially Rachel, the main character gives you the feeling, that this girl is usual in the sense of personality- but can somebody name another book with the view of an alcoholist so realistic? The story raises questions in you. Is everybody like what they show or they have secrets you just can’t imagine? How long do you have to be with a person, live with your husband/wife to confidently say you know everything about him/her? And is it clever to trust more in someone else than yourself? Is there an edge from where you can’t turn back? Is it possible to continue your life with all the scars you have? Actually, it’s hard to talk about it without giving away the ending- or any of the plot twists. But I’m absolutely sure, that everyone can enjoy it- be a boy, girl, teenager, adult.

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