Anne Rice: Blood and Gold

The 8th novel in Anne Rice's internationally bestselling Vampire Chronicles
ISBN: 9780099548157
Szerző: Anne Rice
Oldalszám: 746
Kötés: Puhakötés
Kiadás éve: 2010
Formátum: Könyv
Nyelv: angol

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Ár: 6 125 Ft

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Here is the glorious and sinister life of Marius: patrician by birth, scholar by choice and one of the oldest vampires of them all. From his genesis in ancient Rome, to his present day we follow the story of this aristocratic and powerful killer.
His is a tale that spans the breadth of time. When the Visigoths sack his city, Marius is there; with the resurgence of the glory of Rome, he is there, still searching for his lost love Pandora. So prevalent is Marius that it is he who gives the dark gift to the illustrious vampire Armand.
Intertwined with the stories of a magnificent Pantheon of the undead this account of Marius is the most wondrous and mind-blowing of them all.


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