

Találatok: 97 db

EUGY 3D - Emu


The second largest bird in the world is an Australian native that can be spotted by its majestic and confident posture. Emus are also a symbol of progress and appear on the Australian Coat of Arms, as they are unable to walk backwards!


Ár: 4 375 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

EUGY 3D - Giraffe


The tallest mammals on earth are also very fast runners. In the wild, they sleep for less than 2 hours a day, staying alert for potential predators. Giraffes can reach out 50cm of their tongue to rip off leaves, which is also a source of hydration!


Ár: 4 375 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

EUGY 3D - Gorilla


Please welcome our first primate EUGY! Gorillas are the world’s largest living primates and share over 98% of the same DNA with us!


Ár: 4 375 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

EUGY 3D - Hedgehog


Meet our adorable hedgehog EUGY! Probably looking to find food, without realising the giant strawberry stuck on its back!


Ár: 4 375 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

EUGY 3D - Holstein Friesian


Holstein-Friesian cows are easily recognized by their distinctive black and white markings. The black spots absorb more environmental and solar radiation, whilst the white markings reflect this radiation.


Ár: 4 375 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

EUGY 3D - Kangaroo


This national animal of Australia are the only mammals to use hopping as their means to get around. 'Joeys' (baby kangaroos) can be seen comfortable and nurtured in their mother's pouch.


Ár: 4 375 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

EUGY 3D - Koala


Their name comes from the aboriginal term 'No Drink' since the eucalyptus leaves provide hydration for these marsupials. Koalas can eat up to 1kg (2.2 lb) of the poisonous eucalyptus leaves a day!


Ár: 4 375 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

EUGY 3D - Lion


The 'King of Savanna' is here with its classic charismatic pose and handsome look. It is no wonder these family-oriented animals are called 'prides', given their loyal and proud personalities.


Ár: 4 375 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

EUGY 3D - Llama


Llamas are members of the camelid family but they don't have humps on their backs like their camel cousins. Camelids were first spotted 40 million years ago and llamas have been domesticated for around 5,000 years, which began in the Peruvian highlands.


Ár: 4 375 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

EUGY 3D - Mammoth


Around 4,000 years ago, various species of mammoths were seen all around the world and the last mammoth seen was around 3,600 years ago.


Ár: 4 375 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

EUGY 3D - Meerkat


You’ll often find meerkats digging burrows in deserted areas with their strong, long claws. However, they are most notable for their alert and upright pose. Sometimes a meerkat will be on ‘lookout’ duties for any potential threats for their family.


Ár: 4 375 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

EUGY 3D - Narwhal


Narwhals have a long tusk, which is actually a tooth that can grow up to 3.3m (10 ft). It's impossible to keep them in captivity as a group of narwhals is called a 'blessing'! They truly are our 'unicorns of the sea'.


Ár: 4 375 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

EUGY 3D - Orca


Orca are the worlds largest dolphin but they are also a top marine predator – some even eat sharks for breakfast!


Ár: 4 375 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

EUGY 3D - Owl


These nocturnal birds can easily find their prey at night with their focused stare and binocular vision. Owls can fly slowly and silently, getting very close to their prey without getting caught!


Ár: 4 375 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

EUGY 3D - Penguin


Also known as 'Little Penguins', blue penguins are the smallest of its species, growing up to 43cm (1.4 ft). Blue penguins are not arctic animals and they are only found in the coastlines of Australia and NZ.


Ár: 4 375 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

EUGY 3D - Polar Bear


Polar bears are the planets biggest land-based carnivores, but spend most of their time in water or on ice.As this arctic sea ice melts due to climate change, Polar bears become more endangered..


Ár: 4 375 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

EUGY 3D - Raccoon


Meet our new friend, the raccoon! With its clever mask and striped tail, raccoons are nature's sneaky bandits. Good for nature AND for you! EUGY encourage creativity as well as being environmentally friendly.So go on...bring home your wild!


Ár: 4 375 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

EUGY 3D - Raptor


Velociraptors are known for their quick speed! In fact, their name derive from the Latin words "velox", which means swift, and "raptor", which means robber!


Ár: 4 375 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

EUGY 3D - Red Fox


Red foxes are stunning creatures that are known to be cunning and very clever. They live a solitary life and leaves the parents nest at only seven months old!


Ár: 4 375 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

EUGY 3D - Rhino


Introducing the much-anticipated Rhino EUGY! With their solid build (they can be as heavy as 30 men!), armour-like skin and strong horns, it's unsurprising that Rhinos have no natural predators. Yet, they only eat plants and grass!


Ár: 4 375 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab

Találatok: 97 db