Rosa Blasco: El sanatorio de la Provenza
BOOKET, 2017
La Provenza, ano 1889. Galo Aldave, un joven médico de origen espanol llega a Saint-Rémy para investigar unas extranas muertes ocurridas en un sanatorio mental.
Price: 4 025 Ft
Libra Bookshop - Ferenc Liszt Music Store
1085 Budapest, Kölcsey utca 1.
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10-18, Sat 10-14
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BOOKET, 2017
La Provenza, ano 1889. Galo Aldave, un joven médico de origen espanol llega a Saint-Rémy para investigar unas extranas muertes ocurridas en un sanatorio mental.
Price: 4 025 Ft
CORVUS, 2021
Beautiful twin sisters Iris and Summer are startlingly alike, but beneath the surface lies a darkness that sets them apart.
Price: 3 850 Ft
Die Aussichten sind nicht rosig: Sir Robert Merivel, Medicus, Lebemann und Vertrauter Charles‘ II., hat bessere Zeiten gesehen.
Price: 3 132 Ft
(4 475 Ft)
After two lifetimes of misunderstandings, Mo Ran and Chu Wanning have at last opened their hearts to one another.
Price: 7 550 Ft
Also known as 2ha, the wildly popular danmei/Boys' Love novel series from China that inspired a multimedia franchise! A historical fantasy epic about a tyrant’s second chance at life and the powerful cultivation teacher he can't get out of his mind.
Price: 7 550 Ft
The longer Mo Ran spends in his life reborn, the less he understands the man he once was, to say nothing of the teacher he so hated.
Price: 7 550 Ft
Massacring his way to the top to become emperor of the cultivation world, Mo Ran's cruel reign left him with little satisfaction. Now, upon suffering his greatest loss, he takes his own life...
Price: 7 550 Ft
Massacring his way to the top to become emperor of the cultivation world, Mo Ran’s cruel reign left him with little satisfaction. Now, upon suffering his greatest loss, he takes his own life...
Price: 7 550 Ft
Chu Wanning has slumbered for five years since Mo Ran rescued his soul from the underworld. He wakes to find the world changed—and the greatest change of all is to his disciple Mo Ran.
Price: 7 550 Ft
La autoestima es la herramienta más importante con la que contamos para circular felices por la montana rusa de la vida.
Price: 10 525 Ft
Price: 4 850 Ft
AST, 2017
Andrej Rubanov — avtor knig "Sazhajte, i vyrastet", "Stydnye podvigi", "Psikhodel", "Gotovsja k vojne" i drugikh. Finalist premij "Natsionalnyj bestseller" i "Bolshaja kniga".
Price: 9 125 Ft
Not in stockAST, 2021
Oni — kak ljudi, tolko sdelany iz krepkogo dereva. Ikh malo, oni prjachutsja. Ikh zhizn — tajna. Kogda-to, 300 let nazad, ikh nazvali «istukanami» i unichtozhili pochti vsekh; utseleli nemnogie.
Price: 15 375 Ft
AST, 2021
Andrej Rubanov - avtor romanov "Patriot", "Gotovsja k vojne", "Finist - jasnyj sokol", "Chelovek iz krasnogo dereva", sbornikov rasskazov "Stydnye podvigi" i "Zhjostko i ugrjumo".
Price: 15 375 Ft
SIGNET, 2014
One of Rudyard Kipling’s most enduringly popular works, Captains Courageous is both a stirring tale of the sea and a classic coming-of-age story.
Price: 1 150 Ft
Not in stockDTV, 2017
Fünf phantasievollen Geschichten aus der Sammlung ›Just So Stories‹. Genau so und nicht anders ist es gewesen und genau so muss der Wortlaut sein.
Price: 5 725 Ft
Nach einem Angriff des heimtückischen Tigers Shere Khan bleibt der Menschenjunge Mowgli allein im Dschungel zurück. Ein Wolfsrudel nimmt den Kleinen liebevoll auf; seine Erziehung übernehmen Baloo, der Bär, und Bagheera, der Panther.
Price: 4 050 Ft
Not in stockANACONDA VERLAG GMBH, 2015
Wer kennt sie nicht: den kleinen Inderjungen Mowgli, seine treuen Freunde Balu, Baghira und Kaa und seinen Erzfeind, den hinterhältigen Tiger Schir Khan.
Price: 3 950 Ft
Von den spannenden Geschichten rund um den Jungen Mowgli und seine tierischen Freunde wünschten sich junge Leserinnen und Leser schon bald eine zweite Staffel.
Price: 4 750 Ft
A mesék fordulatokban kellően gazdagok ahhoz, hogy az angol nyelvben már valamennyire jártas olvasó leküzdje a nyelvi nehézségeket, a kezdő nyelvtanuló pedig hamar sikerélményhez juthat a párhuzamos magyar szöveg segítségével.
Price: 2 990 Ft
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