Roberto Bolano: Poesía reunida
Roberto Bolano se sintió siempre, en esencia, un poeta, pese a que el reconocimientomundial le llegó por su narrativa.
Price: 10 975 Ft
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Roberto Bolano se sintió siempre, en esencia, un poeta, pese a que el reconocimientomundial le llegó por su narrativa.
Price: 10 975 Ft
Escritor incansable, Roberto Bolano se desenvuelve con igual maestría en las novelasde largo aliento que le han dado fama universal y en los relatos y novelas cortas.
Price: 9 695 Ft
New Year’s Eve 1975, Mexico City. Two hunted men leave town in a hurry, on the desert-bound trail of a vanished poet.
Price: 5 025 Ft
Not in stockDEBOLSILLO, 2017
Tras la temprana muerte de sus padres en un trágico accidente automovilístico, Bianca, poco más que una adolescente, protagonista y voz por medio de la cual se hilvana la narración,...
Price: 7 095 Ft
Publicada meses después de la muerte de Bolano, 2666 ha sido unánimemente aclamada por la crítica internacional y por los lectores, y es considerada una obra sin igual en la literatura contemporánea.
Price: 9 695 Ft
Price: 2 000 Ft
Not in stockBOOKET, 2018
Ana, un thriller absorbente protagonizado por una mujer inteligente pero acabada, brillante pero autodestructiva, única.
Price: 6 050 Ft
Un libro che racconta il potere della camorra, la sua affermazione economica e finanziaria, e la sua potenza militare, la sua metamorfosi in comitato d'affari.
Price: 7 400 Ft
Dieci ragazzini in scooter sfrecciano contromano alla conquista di Napoli. Quindicenni dai soprannomi innocui - Maraja, Pesce Moscio, Dentino, Lollipop, Drone -, scarpe firmate, famiglie normali e il nome delle ragazze tatuato sulla pelle.
Price: 6 095 Ft
Price: 8 775 Ft
George Wilson, M.D., a radiology resident in Los Angeles, is about to enter a profession on the brink of an enormous paradigm shift, foreshadowing a vastly different role for doctors everywhere.
Price: 7 390 Ft
The explosive new thriller from the New York Times-bestselling author and master of the medical thriller, now in paperback.
Price: 3 750 Ft
Chromosome 6 is a prophetic thriller that challenges the medical ethics of genetic manipulation and cloning in the jungles of equatorial Africa, where one mistake could bridge the gap between man and ape.....
Price: 3 200 Ft
Not in stockPAN BOOKS, 2012
Pia Grazdani is an exceptional yet aloof medical student working closely with Columbia University Medical Center’s premier scientist. Their cutting edge research could revolutionize health care; creating replacement organs. ....
Price: 3 550 Ft
Price: 3 395 Ft
An anaesthetist gives a woman a normal injection during childbirth and she dies. The doctor is sued and criminally charged, but he skips bail and returns to the hospital to try and find out exactly what went wrong.
Price: 2 725 Ft
Not in stockPUTMAN, 2016
Lynn Peirce, a fourth-year medical student, thinks she has her life figured out. But when her otherwise healthy boyfriend, Carl, enters the hospital for routine surgery, her neatly ordered life is thrown into total chaos.
Price: 3 750 Ft
Price: 2 025 Ft
Price: 3 395 Ft
In New York City, a young, seemingly healthy woman is struck down by a respiratory attack as she heads home on the subway. By the time she arrives in Manhattan, she’s dead.
Price: 3 550 Ft
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