Authoring a PhD is a complex process. It involves having creative ideas, working out how to organize them, writing up from plans, upgrading the text, and finishing it speedily and to a good standard.
Here Tony Buzan unlocks the secrets of how to improve your memory for all manner of useful purposes. At home, in school or at work. From names, numbers and shopping lists to speeches, articles and poetry.
Der Lektüreschlüssel erschließt Daniel Kehlmanns Die Vermessung der Welt. Um eine Interpretation als Zentrum gruppieren sich 10 wichtige Verständniszugänge:
At 30 years old, Gabriel Wyner speaks 6 languages fluently. He didn’t learn them in school - who does? - rather, he learned them in the past few years, working on his own and practicing on the subway, using simple techniques and free online resources.
The Mind Map, which has been called the 'Swiss army knife for the brain', is a ground-breaking note-taking technique that is already used by more than 250 million people worldwide and has taken the educational and business worlds by storm.
Tony's innovative approach to this subject makes speed reading easy to understand, enabling you to apply it immediately to all aspects of your life. It's fun as well! An ideal tool for students, teachers, executives – indeed, anyone eager to improve the
Engaging, accessible and practical, this book helps students to get the most out of new technologies to enhance their learning practices, engage with their studies and improve their study skills.
Think faster, sharper and remember far more than you ever thought possible. The Memory Book reveals the phenomenal potential of your memeory - and how you can make the most of it.
In his latest bestseller, Tony Buzan draws on his highly effective Mind Mapping and mental development techniques to help you understand and master change.
Dialogi s Evgeniem Evtushenko — beseda pisatelja Solomona Volkova i poeta Evgenija Evtushenko, sostojavshajasja v 2012 godu i zatem, v 2013-m, v sokraschennom vide voshedshaja v odnoimennyj film (rezhisser Anna Nelson), pokazannyj na Pervom kanale.