Marosi László: Two Centuries Military Music in Hungary - History, Conductors and Marches, 1741-1945

ISBN: 9789633307687
Author: Marosi László
Page: 221
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2015
Format: Book
Publisher: EMB
Language: English

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Price: 4 990 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


The purpose of this book is to describe the function of military music in the musical life of Hungary in a historical context. With this historical account, it can contribute to the general wind music history revealing the details of band music in that culture. The study analyzes the music of the Hungarian Permanent Army from the early eighteenth century until the middle of the twentieth century. The musical development from the instruments of tunesters is described from the oboists, harmonie, and the seminal appearance of wind band as we know it today. Through the biographical sketches of conductors, descriptions of instruments used in various instrumentations, the role of the uniform unique to each band, and programs of the performed music, the study also describes the function of band music in the cultural life of Hungarian cities during this particular period. This descriptive study is an account of 200 years of Hungarian military music.


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