Avi Avital: The Art of the Mandolin

Art of the Mandolin is Avi Avital’s first recording program consisting exclusively of pieces originally written for the mandolin. His personal take on the best existing repertoire for the instrument, and a showcase presentationf
ISBN: 0028948385348
Szerző: Beethoven, Scarlatti, Vivaldi
Kiadás éve: 2020
Formátum: CD
Nyelv: -

Értékelés(Még nem érkezett értékelés.)

Ár: 5 950 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab


Beethoven: Adagio for mandolin and fortepiano in E flat major, WoO 43b
Ben-Haim: Sonata a Tre for Mandolin, Guitar, Harpsichord
Bruce, D: Death Is a Friend of Ours
Henze, H: Carillon, Recitatif, Masque
Scarlatti, D: Violin Sonata in D minor, K89
Sollima: Prelude for Mandolin Solo
Vivaldi: Concerto for 2 Mandolins, Strings and Continuo in G, R.532


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