Jakub Josef Orlinski - Aleksander Debicz: Let's BaRock

Jakub Józef Orlinski (countertenor), Aleksander Debicz (piano)
ISBN: 5021732392268
Szerző: Purcell, Monteverdi, Handel, Debicz
Kiadás éve: 2024
Formátum: CD
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Ár: 6 950 Ft

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Debicz: Intro
Francesco Nicola Fago: Alla gente (From "Il faraone sommerso")
Purcell: Strike the Viol (From "Come Ye Sons of Art", Z. 323)
Purcell: Fairest Isle (From "King Arthur", Z. 628)
Monteverdi: Oblivion (From "L'incoronazione di Poppea", SV 308)
Purcell: Sound the Trumpet (From "Come, Ye Sons of Art", Z. 323)
Handel: Pena tiranna (From "Amadigi di Gaula", HWV 11)
Debicz: Toccata 1
Purcell: Music for a While (From "Oedipus", Z. 583)
Monteverdi: Zefiro torna (From "Scherzi musicali")
Vivaldi: Vedro (From "Giustino", RV 717)
Debicz: Finale
Piotr Banach: Moja i Twoja Nadzieja


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