Pochti u kazhdogo cheloveka byvaet v zhizni glavnaja ljubov i neskolko ne glavnykh. Ne glavnye - zabyvajutsja. A glavnaja - ostaetsja, no ne v chuvstvennoj pamjati, a v dushevnoj. Pamjat dushi - ne prokhodit.
Sovershenno rodnye i takie blizkie po dukhu personazhi, oschuschenie polnejshej vovlechennosti v opisyvaemye sobytija i sudby, udivitelnyj jumor, pronzitelnoe soperezhivanie i prevratnosti ljubvi - novaja kniga Viktorii Tokarevoj darit schaste vsem nam.
När Karl Oskar och Kristina kommer fram till New York möter de ett land som tar emot dem med öppna armar. Och omgaende börjar de den langa färden till Minnesota, där de ska bygga sitt nya hem.
Vilhelm Moberg skrev sig rakt in i den svenska folksjälen med sitt Utvandrarepos. Utvandrarna gavs ut första gangen 1949 och har lästs och älskats allt sedan dess.
Posle perezhitoj tragedii i gorkogo razocharovanija Lada Gudilina nachinaet novuju zhizn. I vstrechaet novuju ljubov, vnezapno schastlivuju, SO VSEJ DURI!
Tri zhenschiny... Tri sudby... Tri kharaktera... Mat, doch i vnuchka... Dlja nikh ne vazhny razdeljajuschee ikh rasstojanie i vechnyj konflikt pokolenij.
Camelia vive con la madre a Leeds, una citta in cui "l'inverno e cominciato da cosi tanto tempo che nessuno e abbastanza vecchio da aver visto cosa c'era prima", in una casa assediata dalla multa.
The Voyage out is a haunting exploration of a young woman's mind, signalling the beginning of her fascination with capturing the mysteries and complexities of the inner life.
Placing itself perfectly alongside acclaimed work by Philipp Meyer, Jane Smiley and JM Coetzee, this debut novel charts the story of Roscoe T Martin in rural Alabama in the 1920s.
Ranging from the silent fate of Shakespeare's gifted imaginary sister to Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë and the effects of poverty and sexual constraint on female creativity, A Room of One's Own, based on a lecture given by Woolf at Girton College,...
ROOM OF ONE'S OWN is an extended essay by Virginia Woolf. First published on 24 October 1929, the essay was based on a series of lectures she delivered at Newnham College and Girton College, two women's colleges at Cambridge University in October 1928.
It is June in 1939, and the inhabitants of a country house prepare to host the annual village pageant in its grounds. It will tell the stories of English history, as it does every year.
It is a variable early summer’s day, and there is an unusual bustle in the grounds of Pointz Hall, a country house in a remote village in the very heart of England.
Who better to serve as a guide to great books and their authors than Virginia Woolf? In the early years of its existence, the Times Literary Supplement published some of the finest writers in English: T.S.Eliot, Henry James and E. M. Forster among them.
La casa encantada y otros cuentos es la antología definitiva de narrativa breve de Virginia Woolf, concebida por la autora a finales de los anos treinta y publicada tres anos después de su muerte, en 1943.