Colette était une femme sans histoire. C'est du moins ce que l'on croyait jusqu'au jour ou sa niece apprend son déces par un appel de la police. Car Colette, sa tante unique, a déja été enterrée il y a trois ans...
Adrien, Etienne and Nina are 10 years old when they meet at school and become inseparable. Years later, a car is pulled up from the bottom of a lake, with a body inside.
Valérie Perrin ha il dono di cogliere la profondita insospettata delle cose della vita. Seguendo il filo di una vicenda struggente e implacabile, l’autrice ci trascina
Dejstvie romana proiskhodit v Germanii XVI veka, no, kak pisal poet Mikhail Kuzmin, "pri vsem istorizme "Ognennyj angel" proniknut sovershenno sovremennym pafosom i chisto brjusovskoj strastnostju".
Two dozen classic dramas by some of the finest and most famous playwrights of the last hundred years--Anton Chekhov, Noel Coward, Oscar Wilde, Arthur Miller, and A.A. Milne.
Ham hätte eigentlich gerne mal seine Ruhe. Aber daraus wird nichts. Er soll ein unsterblicher Held werden, sagt Grazia. Er soll sich ein eigenes Revier suchen, sagt Flöckchen.
Eta kniga Vasilija Aksenova pokhozha na razgovor s umershim po volshebnomu telefonu: pomekhi ne dajut rasslyshat detali, no poroj proryvaetsja chistejshij golos davno ushedshego avtora, i ty ot dushi ulybaeshsja ego iskrometnym vospominanijam o proshlom.
Vasilij Pavlovich Aksjonov — priznannyj klassik i kultovaja figura russkoj literatury. Ego proizvedenija khorosho izvestny ne tolko v Rossii, no i za rubezhom.
Vauhini Vara's lyrical and thought-provoking debut novel begins in India in the 1950s, following a young man born into a Dalit family of coconut farmers in a remote village in Andhra Pradesh.
The delight of Christmas shoppers at the unveiling of a London department store’s famous window display turns to horror when one of the mannequins is discovered to be a dead body…
This edition makes a great gift for established fans who want to expand their Divergent library or who already own the Insurgent Collector's Edition; readers new to the series who want a fuller reading experience; and fans of the feature film.