Tally is eleven years old and she's just like her friends. Well, sometimes she is. If she tries really hard to be. Because there's something that makes Tally not the same as her friends.
A 20. századi magyar novellairodalom legismertebb képviselőinek írásaiból készült a válogatás, amely több mint harminc író egy-egy elbeszélésének fordítását tartalmazza. Kötetünk a külföldi olvasók körében hamar népszerűvé vált gyűjtemény újrakiadása.
Funny and heartbreaking, Writers & Lovers by Lily King is the bitingly clever story of Casey, a young writer who has lost her direction in life, until two men step into her world and offer her two very different futures.
Det är de första orden i Linda Boström Knausgards novellsamling. Den som talar presenterar sin familj, sina barn, en morgon vid frukostbordet, för nagon som ser dem för första men ocksa allra sista gangen.
All over Britain life is beginning again now the war is over but for Lenny and Miriam, East End London teenage twins who have been living on the edge of the law, life is suspended - they've contacted tuberculosis.
For Cate leads a dark double life - one that she doesn't even tell her best friend about - and it comes shockingly to light with a murder in a case before her.
Roman "Nas ukrali. Istorija prestuplenij" — eto detektiv novogo pokolenija. V nem ne dejstvujut chestnye, umnye sledovateli, klass, prakticheski ischeznuvshij u nas.
During World War I, a Romanian from Transylvania enrolls in the Austrian-Hungarian army to impress the woman he loves. As Romania enters the war on the opposing side, his conscience is tormented by the prospect of fighting against his ethnic kin.
Tom Gates is the master of excuses for late homework: dog attacks & spilt water & lightning...Tom's exercise book is full of his doodles, cartoons and thoughts, as well as comments from his long-suffering teacher, Mr Fullerton.
Back to school, but it's not all bad.Sports Day, the school fair and Tom's birthday are all coming up.And even better, his awful big sister Delia won't be at any of those events!