Tolstoy's controversial novella - here presented in a new translation, along with 'The Prisoner of the Caucasus', 'Master and Man' and 'After the Ball' - is now considered one of the masterpieces of Tolstoy's late period.
A classic of fantastic literature, Leonora Carrington's The Hearing Trumpet is the occult twin to Alice in Wonderland, published with an introduction by Ali Smith in Penguin Modern Classics.
Pourquoi dit-on myope comme une taupe ? Laid comme un pou ? ou Doux comme un agneau ? Mais surtout, les taupes sont-elles vraiment myopes et les poux vraiment laids ? On dit que les agneaux sont doux et sages mais il n'en a pas toujours été ainsi.
The heroine of Tolstoy's epic of love and self-destruction, Anna Karenina has beauty, wealth, popularity and an adored son, but feels that her life is empty until she encounters the impetuous officer Count Vronsky.
Vor dem Hintergrund der russisch-napoleonischen Kriege erzählt Krieg und Frieden in wahrhaft meisterlicher Manier die Geschichte dreier Familein, deren Schicksale eng miteinander vewoben sind.
VOJNA I MIR L.N.Tolstogo — kniga na vse vremena. Kazhetsja, chto ona suschestvovala vsegda, nastolko znakomym kazhetsja tekst, edva my otkryvaem pervye stranitsy romana, nastolko pamjatny mnogie ego epizody: