Seit Aids ins letzte Alpental vorgedrungen ist und «die infiziert, die in der Liebe für den Wechsel sind», muß der Fabrikdirektor auf Partnertausch und Prostituierte verzichten und wieder auf seine Frau Gerti zurückgreifen.
Nobel Prize-winning author Canetti spent only a few weeks in Marrakesh, but it was a visit that would remain with him for the rest of his life. In The Voices of Marrakesh, he captures the essence of that place:
Istanbul im 16. Jahrhundert. Als Elefantenführer des Sultans lernt der junge Jahan den Hofarchitekten Sinan kennen, den berühmtesten Baumeister der islamischen Welt.
Mitten in einem belebten Viertel Istanbuls steht der Bonbonpalast - anders als der Name es vermuten lässt, handelt es sich hierbei um ein heruntergekommenes Mietsgebäude.
Nacieron del mismo vientre y casi al mismo tiempo: Pembe y Jamila eran gemelas, hijas de una familia numerosa que vivía en un pequeno pueblo de Kurdistán, pero la voluntad del padre las separó y llevó sus vidas por caminos distintos.
From the Orange Prize long-listed and award-winning author of The Forty Rules of Love and The Bastard of Istanbul Elif Shafak, Honour is a novel of love, betrayal and a clash of cultures.
From the Orange Prize long-listed and award-winning author of The Forty Rules of Love and The Bastard of Istanbul Elif Shafak, Honour is a novel of love, betrayal and a clash of cultures.
Una goccia d’acqua e sospesa sul capo del re di Assiria mentre legge il poema di Gilgamesh su una tavoletta di lapislazzuli: e la prima avvisaglia dell’inondazione che distruggera la biblioteca del colto e feroce Assurbanipal.
One rainy afternoon in Istanbul, a woman walks into a doctor's surgery. 'I need to have an abortion', she announces. She is nineteen years old and unmarried. What happens that afternoon will change her life.
Elif Shafak's compelling novel, The Forty Rules of Love, follows Ella Rubinstein on a journey of self-discovery as she examines her life and the concept of love through Sufi mysticism.
From award-winning writer Elif Shafak, the Orange Prize long-listed author of The Forty Rules of Love and The Architect's Apprentice, The Gaze is a humorous and carnivalesque exploration of what it means to look and be looked at...