«Vi e un uomo che impera sul mare che bagna le coste delle isole malesi, un uomo che e il flagello dei naviganti, che fa tremare le popolazioni, e il cui nome suona come una campana funebre».
Thirty-three-year-old Shea Rigsby has spent her entire life in Walker, Texas—a small college town that lives and dies by football, a passion she unabashedly shares.
With the turn of each page, the characters that roam across these pages go astray. They are emigrants, runaways, drifters, gold miners and counterfeiters, attorneys and slaves.
Rosengädda nästa! är en berättelse om vänskap över alla gränser, om kärlek, mat och om hur nagons värsta mardröm faktiskt kan vara den perfekta lösningen för nagon annan. Det är den första delen i en serie om Rosengädda och människorna som bor där.
In the second half of the 19th century, the British Empire, was at its reatest. Imperialism left a lasting mark on Great Britain itself as well as on the ex-colonies....
En Bartleby y companía Enrique Vila-Matas comparte con el lector la más grande de sus pasiones, la literatura, para hacer de esta obra un homenaje a todos aquellos escritores que un día dejaron de escribir.
A naive young man, a railway enthusiast and radio buff, was caught up in the fall of the British Empire at Singapore in 1942. He was put to work on the 'Railway of Death' - the Japanese line from Thailand to Burma.
Quel rapport entre une femme qui empoisonne ses maris successifs et un président de la République amoureux ? Quel lien entre un simple marin et un escroc international qui vend des bondieuseries usinées en Chine ?