On her journey she meets Humpty Dumpty ,Tweedledum and Tweedledee and the White Knight as well as her own dinner.She learns to keep running fast enough to stay in the same place,why there is never jam today and about the importance of believing.....
We’re all so busy, caught up in life's moments, big and small . . .The flight attendant working on her birthday.The mother struggling with two young children.The newlyweds off to their tropical honeymoon .
Mother of three and wife of John-Paul, Cecilia discovers an old envelope in the attic. Written in her husband's hand, it says: to be opened only in the event of my death.
A 20. századi magyar novellairodalom legismertebb képviselőinek írásaiból készült a válogatás, amely több mint harminc író egy-egy elbeszélésének fordítását tartalmazza. Kötetünk a külföldi olvasók körében hamar népszerűvé vált gyűjtemény újrakiadása.
Eine zerstörte Bäckerei in einer zerbombten Stadt. Ein eisiger Winter, der tausende Opfer fordert. Und mittendrin zwei Frauen, die ums Überleben kämpfen, um die Liebe und die Erfüllung ihres Traums
Funny and heartbreaking, Writers & Lovers by Lily King is the bitingly clever story of Casey, a young writer who has lost her direction in life, until two men step into her world and offer her two very different futures.
Det är de första orden i Linda Boström Knausgards novellsamling. Den som talar presenterar sin familj, sina barn, en morgon vid frukostbordet, för nagon som ser dem för första men ocksa allra sista gangen.
All over Britain life is beginning again now the war is over but for Lenny and Miriam, East End London teenage twins who have been living on the edge of the law, life is suspended - they've contacted tuberculosis.
Roman "Nas ukrali. Istorija prestuplenij" — eto detektiv novogo pokolenija. V nem ne dejstvujut chestnye, umnye sledovateli, klass, prakticheski ischeznuvshij u nas.
Roman "Nas ukrali. Istorija prestuplenij" - eto detektiv novogo pokolenija. V nem ne dejstvujut chestnye, umnye sledovateli, klass, prakticheski ischeznuvshij u nas.
V etoj knige sobrany istorii, tak ili inache svjazannye s narushenijami zakona: inogda chelovek mozhet prosto oshibitsja, a inogda — poschitat zakon nespravedlivym.