Whether it's ordering a cappuccino after 11am, using a spoon to twirl your pasta or asking for parmesan on a fish dish, we'll tell you exactly what not to do to avoid looking like an ignorant tourist.
Magyar konyha remekei, receptekkel és csodálatos képekkel. Minden recepthez megtalálható a készétel fotója. A könyv magyar és olasz nyelvű. 96 oldalas 245 x 167 mm méretű, kemény kötésű és 43 receptet tartalmaz.
Italian cooking, as opposed to the Italian American fare passed off in so many restaurants, has become all the rage here in the last several years; with the reappearance of Hazan's classics,...
In this brand new tie-in to her new BBC series, Mary Berry shares over 100 of her favourite dishes to share with the ones we love. Home cooking has never been more important, and every recipe has been created to bring families and friends together.
Creativity, hard work, and lots of fun--that's what it takes to cook like a master. Beloved television competition show MasterChef Junior fosters all of this within each of its pint-size home cooks, and what they whip up is truly impressive.
Kreative Kinderrezepte. Jetzt wird der Kochlöffel geschwungen! In dieser kunterbunten Kochschule lernen kleine Nachwuchsköche in kinderleichten Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen die Kunst des Kochens.
Here you'll find a mouthwatering collection of recipes for canapés, small bites and fingerfood ideal for serving at parties or any social gathering, large or small.
My Vietnamese Kitchen is a collection of recipes passed down through Uyen Luu's family. Uyen was born in Saigon and spent her childhood there before leaving Vietnam in the aftermath of the war.
Whether you're an air fryer fanatic or new to these time- and money-saving appliances, hugely popular healthy-eating platform, Bored of Lunch, will revolutionise your cooking packed with recipes that are quick, healthy and completely delicious.
Nigella Lawson (‘Queen of the Kitchen’ – Observer Food Monthly) brings you deliciously quick recipe inspiration for your family and friends – from simple family meals and easy recipes for two to dinner party ideas and effortless entertaining.
Bunte Almwiesen, auf denen friedlich die Kühe grasen, leuchtend gelbe Äcker, ertragreiche Obstund Weinbaugebiete und die Kaffeehauskultur mondäner Großstädte wie Salzburg und Wien sind Garant für zahlreiche Gaumenfreuden.