Fin février 1525. L’armée de François Ier est écrasée par celle de Charles Quint a Pavie. Le roi est fait prisonnier et envoyé en captivité a Madrid. Sa sour, Marguerite d’Alençon, est chargée d’obtenir sa libération.
Février 1759. Jean-François Savoisy, cafetier de la rue de l'Arbre-Sec, entend bien surpasser Procope avec sa glace au parfum révolutionnaire : consécration et félicité lui semblent promises.
Jeanne and Marie-Ange`le grow up, side by side yet apart, in the Catholic village of Ste Madeleine. Marie-Ange`le is the daughter of the grocer, inflated with ideas of her rightful place in society;
1958. Raggiante e inarrivabile come un'imperatrice, Romy Schneider scende dalla scaletta dell'aereo che e appena atterrato a Parigi, accolta da una folla di fotografi.
So asks Tokyo's most enigmatic librarian, Sayuri Komachi.But she is no ordinary librarian.Sensing exactly what someone is searching for in life, she provides just the book recommendation to help them find it.
Part of Penguin's beautiful hardback Clothbound Classics series, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith, these delectable and collectible editions are bound in high-quality, colourful, tactile cloth with foil stamped into the design.
«En un lugar de la Mancha, de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme, no hace mucho tiempo que vivía un hidalgo de los de lanza en astillero, adarga antigua, rocín flaco y galgo corredor. »
Complete and unabridged, Don Quixote is the epic tale of the man from La Mancha and his faithful squire, Sancho Panza. Their picaresque adventures in the world of seventeenth-century Spain form the basis of one of the great treasures of Western literatur
Don Quixote, a lanky scarecrow of a man with his withered face and lantern jaw, dons his rusty armour and mounts his ramshackle steed, Rozinante. With lance couched he still rides through our lives, followed by his potbellied squire Sancho Panza.
Esta obra de Miguel de Unamuno es uno de los ejemplos clásicos más eminentes de la novela moderna. La ficción deja aquí de ser un puro vehículo narrativo, transmisor de historias, para convertirse en un universo textual de fecundas sugerencias.
El príncipe destronado es la historia de un nino, Quico, que va a cumplir cuatro anos. A Quico le pasa algo importante, le ha nacido una hermanita, Cris, que lo ha relegado a un segundo plano.