Millions of readers have been enthralled by the saga that began in The Pillars of the Earth and World Without End, which now continues with Ken Follett's magnificent, gripping A Column of Fire.
In a brutal world, charismatic rebel miner Mack McAsh - a slave by birth - is a man with the courage to stand up for what is right, and the strength to stick by his beliefs.
January 1958—the darkest hour of the Cold War and the early dawn of the space race. On the launch pad at Cape Canaveral sits America's best hope to catch up with the Russians: the Explorer I satellite.
1558, and Europe is in revolt as religious hatred sweeps the continent. Elizabeth Tudor has ascended to the throne but she is not safe in this dangerous new world.
1558. Noch immer wacht die altehrwürdige Kathedrale von Kingsbridge über die Stadt. Doch die ist im Widerstreit zwischen Katholiken und Protestanten zutiefst gespalten. Freundschaft, Loyalität, Liebe ... nichts scheint mehr von Bedeutung zu sein.
Die junge Engländerin Dee und ihr amerikanischer Freund Mike stoßen in Paris auf die Spur eines verschwundenen Meisterwerkes - ein Bild des berühmten Malers Amedeo Modigliani.
Monatenlang brachte Rommels Armee die Engländer in Nordafrika in größte Bedrängnis. In dieser für die Alliierten bedrohlichen Situation war Kairo eines der wichtigsten Spionagezntren....
En el ano 1961 Rebecca Hoffmann, profesora en Alemania del Este y nieta de Lady Maud, descubrirá que la policía secreta está vigilándola. Mientras, su hermano menor, Walli, suena con huir a Occidente para convertirse en músico de rock.
Evighetens rand är den storslagna finalen pa Ken Folletts romantrilogi om fem familjers öden under 1900-talet. Berättelsen, som inleddes med Giganternas fall och Världens vinter, har nu natt fram till de dramatiska artiondena mellan 1960 och 1989.
Eye of the Needle, Ken Follett's breakthrough international bestseller, is a heart-racingly exciting tale about the fate of the war resting in the hands of a master spy, his opponent and a brave woman.
The first in Ken Follett's bestselling Century Trilogy, Fall of Giants is a captivating novel that follows five families through the world-shaking dramas of the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and the struggle for votes for women.
'Fall of Giants' follows five linked families through the world-shaking dramas of the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and the struggle for votes for women.
'Fall of Giants' follows five linked families through the world-shaking dramas of the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and the struggle for votes for women.