Ár: 1 150 Ft
Victor Hugo: The Hunchback of Notre Dame - Wordsworth Classics
Set in 1482, Victor Hugo s powerful novel of imagination, caprice and fantasy is a meditation on love, fate, architecture and politics, as well as a compelling recreation of the medieval world at the dawn of the modern age.
Ár: 1 100 Ft
Boltunkban nem kaphatóVictor Hugo:Les Miserables
Victor Hugo's tale of injustice, heroism and love follows the fortunes of Jean Valjean, an escaped convict determined to put his criminal past behind him.
Ár: 9 350 Ft
Victoria Hislop: The Figurine
Concealed in the Athens apartment she has inherited from her grandparents, Helena discovers a hidden hoard of rare antiquities, amassed during a dark period in Greek history when the city and its people were gripped by a brutal military dictatorship.
Ár: 5 550 Ft
Victoria Hislop: The Island
The Petrakis family lives in the small Greek seaside village of Plaka. Just off the coast is the tiny island of Spinalonga, where the nation's leper colony once was located—a place that has haunted four generations of Petrakis women.
Ár: 5 390 Ft
Victoria Park: Gemma Reeves
Mona and Wolfie have lived on Victoria Park for over fifty years. Now, on the eve of their sixty-fifth wedding anniversary, they must decide how to navigate Mona's declining health.
Ár: 4 350 Ft
Ár: 1 650 Ft
Ár: 4 590 Ft
Viktor Olegovich Pelevin: Iskusstvo legkikh kasanij
EKSMO, 2019
V chem svjaz mezhdu monstrami s kryshi Notr-Dama, shedevrami Goji, samobytnym misticheskim putem Rossii i transgendernymi ubornymi Severnoj Ameriki?
Ár: 11 400 Ft
Viktor Olegovich Pelevin: Transhumanism inc.
EKSMO, 2021
V buduschem bogatye ljudi smogut otdelit svoj mozg ot starjaschegosja tela - i stanut zhit pochti vechno v osobom "banochnom" izmerenii.
Ár: 14 825 Ft
Viktor Pelevin: Lampa Mafusaila, ili Krajnjaja bitva chekistov s masonami
EKSMO, 2016
Kak izvestno, slozhnoe mezhdunarodnoe polozhenie nashej strany objasnjaetsja ostrym konfliktom rossijskogo rukovodstva s mirovym masonstvom. No malo komu ponjatny korni etogo protivostojanija, ego finansovaja podopleka i okkultnyj smysl.
Ár: 13 100 Ft
Viktor Pelevin: Smotritel (Kniga 1)
EKSMO, 2016
Imperator Pavel Pervyj, velikij alkhimik i mesmerist, ne byl ubit zagovorschikami – perevorot byl spektaklem, pozvolivshim emu nezametno pokinut Peterburg.
Ár: 9 975 Ft
Viktor Pelevin: Smotritel (Kniga 2.)
EKSMO, 2015
Aleksis de Kizhe – Smotritel Idilliuma, novogo mira, sozdannogo Pavlom Alkhimikom i Frantsem-Antonom Mesmerom vo vremena Frantsuzskoj revoljutsii. Aleksis – Bljustitel miroporjadka.
Ár: 9 425 Ft
Boltunkban nem kaphatóViktor Pelevin: Tajnye vidy na goru Fudzi
EKSMO, 2018
Gotovy li vy oschutit realnost tak, kak perezhivali ee askety i magi drevnej Indii dve s polovinoj tysjachi let nazad? I esli da, khvatit li u vas na eto deneg?
Ár: 12 750 Ft
Viktor Vladimirovich Remizov: Vechnaja merzlota
RUBEZH, 2021
Knigi Viktora Remizova zamecheny chitateljami i literaturnymi kritikami, vkhodili v korotkie spiski glavnykh rossijskikh literaturnykh premij – «Russkij Buker» i «Bolshaja kniga», perevedeny na osnovnye evropejskie jazyki.
Ár: 14 825 Ft
Boltunkban nem kaphatóViktoria Tokareva: Doma stojat dolshe, chem ljudi
AZBUKA, 2018
Inogda ja dumaju: chto sostavljaet moe schaste? Deti, professija, dom... Trudno vychlenit, chto vazhnee. Inogda kazhetsja, na pervom meste professija. Ja vsju zhizn zanimalas tem, chto mne nravitsja.
Ár: 7 400 Ft
Boltunkban nem kaphatóViktoria Tokareva: Korotkie gudki
AZBUKA, 2015
Ljubov pobezhdaet ne tolko rasstavanija i smert, no dazhe predatelstvo, obidy i nenavist...
Ár: 3 075 Ft
Boltunkban nem kaphatóÁr: 6 650 Ft
Boltunkban nem kaphatóÁr: 5 325 Ft
Boltunkban nem kaphatóViktoria Tokareva: Pochem, kilogramm slavy
AZBUKA, 2016
Nasha zhizn - eto ne tolko to, chto my sdelali. No i to, chto ne sdelali: ne poshli na zov ljubvi, ne vspakhali grjadku pod ogurtsy, ne rodili rebenka.
Ár: 4 795 Ft
Kiemelt ajánlataink
Ceruza - fehér, zenei írásjelekkel
Ár: 450 Ft
Bögre - fehér, Beethoven kottájával és aláí...
Ár: 4 500 Ft
Giuseppe Verdi: Otello - 2 DVD
Ár: 6 500 Ft
Ár: 6 100 Ft
Passacalle de La Follie
WARNER, 2023
Ár: 8 400 Ft
Csicsergő zenei olvasókönyv (összevont)
Ár: 3 400 Ft
Harry Potter (music from the complete film...
ALFRED, 2002
Ár: 15 950 Ft
Fülbevaló - lógós, violinkulcsos
Ár: 2 650 Ft
Szemüvegtok fehér, kottás (kemény)
Ár: 4 950 Ft
HAUSER: The Player
Ár: 5 500 Ft