Der Ich-Erzähler, Überlebender eines polnischen Ghettos, schildert dieGeschichte des Ghettobewohners Jakob Heym, der durch Zufall im deutschen Polizeirevier aus dem Radio Satzfetzen einer Meldung vernimmt, die fortan das Leben im Ghetto verändern sollte:
Posle vnezapnoj tragicheskoj smerti ottsa junaja Nadinka ostalas krugloj sirotoj. Ona poterjala esche i dom, v kotorom zhila vsju zhizn. Teper u nee est tolko vernaja njanja Agasha i ljubimyj Serezhenka.
On vedet strannuju zhizn i, kazhetsja, ne slishkom eju dovolen. U nego strannaja professija, strannye privychki, dazhe imja strannoe - Aleks Shan-Girej!..
Uwe Jochums "kompakte, gut lesbare Bibliotheksgeschichte" (Der Tagesspiegel) wurde für die dritte Auflage um ein neues Kapitel zur Wissensspeicherung mit elektronischen Mitteln im World Wide Web erweitert.
Miguel Street, V. S. Naipaul’s first written work of fiction, is set in a derelict corner of Port of Spain, Trinidad, during World War Two and is narrated by an unnamed, precociously observant neighbourhood boy.
A breath-taking feat of literary virtuosity, Lost Children Archive is timely, compassionate, subtly hilarious, and formally inventive--a powerful, urgent story about what it is to be human in an inhuman world.
Violette Toussaint e guardiana di un cimitero di una cittadina della Borgogna. Ricorda un po' Renée, la protagonista dell'Eleganza del riccio, perché come lei nasconde dietro un'apparenza sciatta una grande personalita e una vita piena di misteri.
El secreto de las flores es una novela valiente y conmovedora que gustará especialmente a los lectores que disfrutaron de Mujeres que compran flores, La elegancia del erizo o Los ojos amarillos de los cocodrilos.
Justine is 21 years old and has lived with her grandparents and cousin Jules since the death of her parents. She works as a carer at a retirement home and spends her days listening to her residents’ stories.
Violette Toussaint is the caretaker at a cemetery in a small town in Bourgogne. Her daily life is lived to the rhythms of the hilarious and touching confidences of random visitors and her colleagues-three gravediggers, three groundskeepers, and a priest.
Colette était une femme sans histoire. C'est du moins ce que l'on croyait jusqu'au jour ou sa niece apprend son déces par un appel de la police. Car Colette, sa tante unique, a déja été enterrée il y a trois ans...
Adrien, Etienne and Nina are 10 years old when they meet at school and become inseparable. Years later, a car is pulled up from the bottom of a lake, with a body inside.
Valérie Perrin ha il dono di cogliere la profondita insospettata delle cose della vita. Seguendo il filo di una vicenda struggente e implacabile, l’autrice ci trascina
Dejstvie romana proiskhodit v Germanii XVI veka, no, kak pisal poet Mikhail Kuzmin, "pri vsem istorizme "Ognennyj angel" proniknut sovershenno sovremennym pafosom i chisto brjusovskoj strastnostju".