The poignant and fascinating story of a young man who is caught between the breakup of the traditions of a northern Japanese aristocratic family and the impact of Western ideas.
Burgos, agosto de 1936. Un público numeroso ha acudido a la catedral para despedir a la expedición militar que, bajo la dirección del comandante Paisán y el canónigo Herrera, pretende viajar al Purgatorio.
Einem lesenden jungen Menschen kann wohl kaum etwas Besseres passieren, als die Märchen von Oscar Wilde in die Hand zu bekommen, denn sogleich öffnet sich ihm eine wunderbar reiche Gefühls- und Wahrnehmungswelt....
Grandes Clásicos Literatura Random House recupera en esta preciosa edición El retrato de Dorian Gray, la maravillosa obra maestra de Oscar Wilde.En su única novela, el divino Oscar Wilde puso al día el mito de Fausto.
In this collection of enchanting tales from a master storyteller, Oscar Wilde has entranced readers both young and old since publication in the late nineteenth century.
Flamboyant and controversial, Oscar Wilde was a dazzling personality, a master of wit, and a dramatic genius whose sparkling comedies contain some of the most brilliant dialogue ever written for the English stage.
On the surface ,our narrator has everything you could want in life. She's young, thin, pretty, a recent Columbia graduate and lives in an apartment on the Upper East Side of Manhattan paid for, like everything else, by her inheritance.
So here we are. My name was Eileen Dunlop. Now you know me. I was twenty-four years old then, and had a job that paid fifty-seven dollars a week as a kind of secretary at a private juvenile correctional facility for teenage boys.
Pietro e un ragazzino di citta, solitario e un po' scontroso. La madre lavora in un consultorio di periferia, e farsi carico degli altri e il suo talento.