Spanning advertising management, communication, production and promotion, this text looks at the necessary decisions—in the order in which they must be made—involved in the development and execution of an advertising campaign.
This practical handbook of reptile field ecology and conservation brings together a distinguished, international group of reptile researchers to provide a state-of-the-art review of the many new and exciting techniques used to study reptiles.
This book explores Positive Youth Development (PYD) in Roma ethnic minority youth. Standing apart from current volumes, this book focuses on the Roma ethnic minority -
Dannoe uchebnoe posobie predstavljaet soboj sbornik tekstov i zadanij po istorii russkoj kultury, kotoroe, s odnoj storony, daet predstavlenie o russkoj kulture Kh-KHV vekov, a s drugoj - formiruet i sovershenstvuet navyki chtenija, govorenija i pisma.
With over half of employers screening potential candidates through social media and 94% using it to locate new employees, social media is an increasingly important aspect of job hunting and recruitment. Correctly used, it will help you to create an excel
A Classical Introduction to Galois Theory is an excellent resource for courses on abstract algebra at the upper-undergraduate level. The book is also appealing to anyone interested in understanding the origins of Galois theory, why it was created, and ho
This textbook is perfect for a math course for non-math majors, with the goal of encouraging effective analytical thinking and exposing students to elegant mathematical ideas.
Das Standardwerk zur Vorbereitung auf alle gängigen Arten von Einstellungs- und Eignungstests. Immer auf dem neuesten Stand der Testpraxis und mit mehr als 2500 Testaufgaben aus allen wichtigen Bereichen die perfekte Vorbereitung.
In Michael Bungay Stanier's The Coaching Habit, coaching becomes a regular, informal part of your day so managers and their teams can work less hard and have more impact.
This second edition of The Illustrated Wavelet Transform Handbook: Introductory Theory and Applications in Science, Engineering, Medicine and Finance has been fully updated and revised to reflect recent developments in the theory and practical...
Dieses Lehrbuch bietet einen fundierten Überblick über die gängigen Finanzierungsformen unter Berücksichtigung aktueller Entwicklungen und finanzierungstheoretischer Grundlagen.