Quinze étapes de vies de femme, de la petite enfance a l'âge adulte. Quinze voix, quinze histoires et presque autant d'exemples de la fragilité des jours, entre Budapest, le Japon et Paris.
Was sucht eine Leiche in einer Ausstellung? Wohin fahren die Gastarbeiter aus Siebenbürgen in ihrem Kleinbus? Was geschah mit der Frau, der der Kopf in einem Supermarkt plötzlich heruntergefallen war?
My Secret Life is the first book of Krisztina Tóth’s poetry in English translation. The poems were selected by her from three of her eleven published collections, with the addition of some new or previously uncollected poems.
The battle of Budapest in the bleak winter of 1944-45 was one of the longest and bloodiest city sieges of World War II. From the appearance of the first Soviet tanks on the outskirts of the capital to the capture of Buda Castle, 102 days elapsed.
Nel 1705 - anno in cui si verifica la prima di una serie di eclissi solari che seguiranno passo passo il procedere degli eventi - lo stampatore ungherese Cornelius Csiliag ritorna dalla Germania nella terra dei padri.
In the novel Story of a Stammer, Gábor Vida asks a fundamental question: Where does stammering come from? In the process of answering this question, he discovers that an entire historical period and an entire world have been stammering, too.