Bärenreiter Piano Album - 4 kezes művek

Haydn, J.C. Bach, Beethoven, Weber, Bruckner, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Fauré, Brahms, Debussy, Schönberg, Liszt, Satie, Hindemith, Krenek, Joplin, Stravinsky, Liszt
ISBN: M0006498567
Author: Michael Töpel szerk
Page: 48
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2020
Format: Sheet Music
Language: -

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Price: 11 950 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 2-3 weeks


This anthology offers a chronological cross-section of easy to moderately difficult music for piano four-hands by famous composers from the early classic period to the present day. Just for fun, it is rounded off with a few easy arrangements of favourite standards such as 'The Entertainer' and 'Kalinka'. An accompanying booklet explains the pieces and offers performance suggestions and general tips for playing piano four-hands. The two parts are printed in a score format (one above the other) so that playing is made considerably easier. An invaluable work, ideally suited for individual and group instruction.


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