Concerto Barocco (Bach/Bertali/Handel/Scheidt/Vivaldi)

Seldom Sene, Matthias Havinga
ISBN: 5028421961811
Publication date: 2020
Format: CD
Publisher: BRILLIANT
Language: -

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Price: 5 950 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


This new album by Seldom Sene, the remarkable Recorder Quintet from The Netherlands, presents arrangements of well known Baroque Concertos for recorder Ensemble and continuo.

Baroque concertos are very attractive to adapt because of their virtuosity and expressiveness. Hence they form the heart of this new recording, Concerto Barocco. The repertoire is brought to life with the added colours of harpsichord and organ. The challenge was to create a wide variety of sounds through the intelligent use of different types of recorders and the stops of harpsichord and organ.

Presented are works by Handel (Concerto grosso, organ concerto), Bach (Violin Concerto, Brandenburg Concerto No. 6), Vivaldi (Concerto grosso), Scheidt and Vitali.


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