Lonely Planet - Moscow City Guide (6th Edition)

From art and history to recreation and nightlife, contemporary Moscow is a cauldron of creativity.
ISBN: 9781742209982
Author: Mara Vorhees, Leonid Ragozin
Page: 271
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2015
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 2 775 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


From art and history to recreation and nightlife, contemporary Moscow is a cauldron of creativity.
Lonely Planet will get you to the heart of Moscow, with amazing travel experiences and the best planning advice:
- Inspirational images, 3D illustrations, city walks and recommendations from our expert authors
- Planning features and top itineraries to help you plan the perfect trip
- Local secrets and hidden travel gems that will make your trip unique
- PLUS 3D tour of the Kremlin, a guided tour of Moscow’s metro, and diverting day trips


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