Thomas More: Utopia

In Utopia, Thomas More gives us a traveller's account of a newly discovered island where the inhabitants enjoy a social order based on natural reason and justice, and human fulfilment is open to all.
ISBN: 9780241382684
Author: Thomas More
Page: 256
Binding: Hard cover
Publication date: 2020
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 5 625 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


As the traveller, Raphael, describes the island to More, a bitter contrast is drawn between this rational society and the custom-driven practices of Europe. So how can the philosopher try to reform his society? In his fictional discussion, More takes upa question first raised by Plato and which is still a challenge in the contemporary world. In the history of political thought few works have been more influential than Utopia, and few more misunderstood.


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