From the author of The Door, selected as one of the New York Times "10 Best Books of 2015," this is a heartwrenching tale about a group of friends and lovers torn apart by the German occupation of Budapest during World War II.
E un lungo sfogo, crudele e pieno di astio, quello con cui Eszter, fra le piu affermate attrici teatrali nell'Ungheria del secondo dopoguerra, si rivolge a Lórinc, il grande amore della sua vita.
Quando muore il marito Vince, un giudice che durante gli anni del fascismo ungherese aveva subito gravi torti, la vecchia signora Szocs si ritrova completamente sola nella modesta casa di famiglia nella campagna ungherese.
E un rapporto molto conflittuale, fatto di continue rotture e difficili riconciliazioni, a legare la narratrice a Emerenc Szeredas, la donna che la aiuta nelle faccende domestiche.
L'histoire d'une jalousie, l'histoire d'une vie...Eszter est une comédienne célebre. Pourtant, les frustrations de son enfance renaissent et s'exacerbent quand elle découvre qu'Angela, la petite fille trop parfaite de son village natal...
Le Vieux Puits est un livre fascinant. Par de brefs chapitres thématiques –; Mes parents, La ville, Autoportrait, La religion, Le théâtre, Le temps, Éveil, etc.
Lolo, il figlio di Iris, regina delle fate, desidera diventare un bambino del mondo reale ma una minaccia incombe, la sua mamma e la pace del regno sono in grave pericolo:
Ils s’étaient soudain rendu compte que le temps avait désagrégé leur passé, alors que durant leur enfance et leurs années de jeunesse, ils l’avaient considéré comme un ensemble compact bien cimenté. »
A young writer, struggling for success, employs an elderly woman called Emerence to be her housekeeper. From their first encounter it is clear that Emerence is no ordinary maid.
A young writer, struggling for success, employs an elderly woman called Emerence to be her housekeeper. From their first encounter it is clear that Emerence is no ordinary maid.
Elegant, pocket-sized paperbacks, VINTAGE Editions celebrate the audacity and ambition of the written word, transporting readers to wherever in the world literary innovation may be found.
Eszter Encsy is an acclaimed actress, funny and outrageous, quick-witted but callous. Yet even flushed with the success of adulthood, Eszter craves acceptance of herself as she really is and of the person she has been.