Kertész Imre: Liquidation

Ten years after the fall of communism, a writer named B. commits suicide, devastating his circle and deeply puzzling his friend Kingsbitter.
ISBN: 9781400075058
Author: Kertész Imre
Page: 130
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2005
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 9 225 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Ten years after the fall of communism, a writer named B. commits suicide, devastating his circle and deeply puzzling his friend Kingsbitter. For among B.'s effects, Kingsbitter finds a play that eerily predicts events after his death. Why did B.-who wasborn at Auschwitz and miraculously survived-take his life? As Kingsbitter searches for the answer -and for the novel he is convinced lies hidden among his friend's papers-Liquidation becomes an inquest into the deeply compromised inner life of a generation. The result is moving, revelatory and haunting.


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