Nicolás era un chico que no tenía regalos en Navidad, y a pesar de que vivía muy humildemente, era feliz. Hasta que su padre decidió emprender un largo viaje para obtener una recompensa y salir de la pobreza...
After an 'incident' one wet Friday night where he is found walking naked through the streets of Cambridge, Professor Andrew Martin is not feeling quite himself.
After an 'incident' one wet Friday night where he was found walking naked through the streets of Cambridge, Professor Andrew Martin is not feeling quite himself. Food sickens him.
Terence Cave, owner of Cave Antiques, has already experienced the tragedies of his mother's suicide and his wife's murder when his teenage son, Reuben, is killed in a grotesque accident.
Rooted in the western United States in the decade post-9/11, theMystery.doc follows a young writer and his wife as he attempts to write his second book, a national epic he hopes will last forever.
Der Roman "Die Holschuld" ist nach "Garanas oder die Litanei" (2001) und "Der Brückenfall oder Das Drehherz" (2005) der letzte und finale Teil der von der Kritik hochgelobten Garanas-Trilogie.
A bold, provocative debut for fans of Get Out and Paul Beatty's The Sellout, about a father who will do anything to protect his son--even if it means turning him white.
Traduits dans le monde entier, Les Rois maudits ont remporté un succes exceptionnel et sont considérés comme un des modeles contemporains du roman historique.
Kto pokhitil bestsennoe kole, prinadlezhavshee nekogda frantsuzskoj koroleve? Kto sposoben na ravnykh vstupit v skhvatku s docherju samogo grafa Kaliostro, unasledovavshej magicheskie sposobnosti ottsa?
A bordo del transatlántico Provence, cuyas autoridades han sido puestas sobreaviso de la presencia del ladrón, Lupin conoce a Nelly Underdown, una millonaria que le roba el corazón y a quien él roba las joyas.
Der Kriegsveteran Patrice Belval verhindert die Entführung der jungen Krankenschwester Coralie und wird dadurch immer tiefer in eine geheimnisvolle Angelegenheit hineingezogen, die Coralies Ehemann und eine Bande orientalischer Verbrecher betrifft.