Dlinnonogij djadjushka | Daddy Long Legs + MP3 CD (Bilingva - Slushaem, chitaem, ponimaem orosz-angol kétnyelvű kiadás)
EKSMO, 2011
Az MP3 CD az orosz és az angol változat hanganyagát is tartalmazza.
Price: 4 125 Ft
Not in stockLibra Bookshop - Ferenc Liszt Music Store
1085 Budapest, Kölcsey utca 1.
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10-18, Sat 10-14
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EKSMO, 2011
Az MP3 CD az orosz és az angol változat hanganyagát is tartalmazza.
Price: 4 125 Ft
Not in stockPOKKARI, 2010
Ydinsodan jälkeisessä maailmassa ihmiskunnan rippeet elävät Moskovan synkeissä metrotunneleissa.
Price: 4 590 Ft
Not in stockPOKKARI, 2010
Ydinsodan jälkeisessä maailmassa ihmiskunnan rippeet elävät Moskovan synkeissä metrotunneleissa. He taistelevat olemassaolostaan pimeydessä kehittyviä uhkia vastaan, ja kilpailevat metroasemat käyvät kamppailua linjojen hallinnasta.
Price: 4 590 Ft
AST, 2017
Novyj roman Dmitrija Bykova - literaturnoe sobytie, eksperiment, tvorcheskij opyt nad tekstom, sjuzhetom, samim soboj i chitatelem. "Ijun" zhdali neskolko let.
Price: 10 825 Ft
Not in stockAST, 2018
Rabota obychnogo perevodchika sostoit iz rutiny: kontrakty, ustavy i instruktsii k bytovoj tekhnike. No v perevode nuzhdajutsja i drugie teksty, vekami terpelivo dozhidajuschiesja togo cheloveka, kotoryj reshitsja za nikh vzjatsja.
Price: 14 790 Ft
AST, 2019
Tretja mirovaja sterla chelovechestvo s litsa Zemli. Planeta opustela. Megapolisy obrascheny v prakh i pepel.
Price: 13 100 Ft
Not in stockAST, 2016
Mir unichtozhen jadernoj vojnoj. Zhizn na poverkhnosti Zemli bolshe nevozmozhna. Spaslis tolko te, kto, uslyshav signal trevogi, uspel dobezhat do dverej moskovskogo metro - samogo bolshogo v mire bomboubezhischa.
Price: 18 390 Ft
Not in stockPrice: 19 050 Ft
Not in stockPrice: 11 390 Ft
Not in stockARSISBOOKS, 2019
Glavnyj geroj etogo uvlekatelnogo i zhestkogo romana Krysinyj korol imeet strannuju professiju: on spetsialist po deratizatsii.
Price: 10 650 Ft
The year is 2033. The world has been reduced to rubble. Humanity is nearly extinct. A few thousand live on, not knowing if they are the only survivors on the planet. They live in the Moscow Metro - the biggest air-raid shelter ever built. It is humanity'
Price: 5 550 Ft
The basis of two bestselling computer games Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light, the Metro books have put Dmitry Glukhovsky in the vanguard of Russian speculative fiction alongside the creator of Night Watch, Sergei Lukyanenko.
Price: 5 550 Ft
Avec Métro 2035, Dmitry Glukhovsky nous offre une nouvelle dimension épique, renouvelant avec succes son univers. (Bifrost)
Price: 6 025 Ft
Price: 1 225 Ft
Not in stockPrice: 4 290 Ft
Andy loves Jen. Jen loved Andy.
Price: 4 290 Ft
Die Suche nach einem Serienmörder bringt die beste Kommissarin, die das FBI je hatte, aus Spanien nach New Orleans.
Price: 10 750 Ft
Se tu te ne sei scordato, egregio signore, te lo ricordo io: sono tua moglie. Si apre cosi la lettera che Vanda scrive al marito che se n'e andato di casa, lasciandola in preda a una tempesta di rabbia impotente e domande che non trovano risposta.
Price: 5 895 Ft
Jack is here merely as an observer, but when he hastens to help a woman and her young son, he finds himself the target of trained killers. Alone and outgunned, Jack will have to use all his skills to protect the life of the child.
Price: 3 350 Ft
Eric Packer, 28 Jahre alt, ist ein reicher, gewissenloser Börsenspekulant. Unterwegs in seiner Stretchlimousine zu einem Friseurtermin, führt ihn sein Weg über die 47. Straße quer durch Manhattan.
Price: 3 675 Ft
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