Mario Puzo: The Dark Arena

Mario Puzo won international acclaim for The Godfather and his other Mafia novels. But before creating those masterpieces, Puzo wrote his first acclaimed novel The Dark Arena–an astounding story of a war-scarred young American.
ISBN: 9780345441690
Author: Mario Puzo
Page: 288
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2001
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 2 325 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


After coming home at the end of World War II, Walter Mosca finds himself too restless for his civilian role in America. So he returns to Germany to find the woman he had once loved–and to start some kind of life in a vanquished country. But ahead of Walter stretches a dark landscape of defeat and intrigue, as he succumbs to the corrupting influences of a malevolent time. Now he enters a different kind of war, one in which he must make a fateful decision–between love and ambition, passion and greed, life and death.


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