The tale of Kerouac's alter-ego, Vanity of Duluoz presents Jack Duluoz's high school experiences as a sporting jock in Massachusetts and his time at Columbia University on a football scholarship.
Many years before its first unabridged publication, ‘Visions of Cody’ became an underground classic. Written by Kerouac at his creative zenith, the book is a celebration of the life of Neal Cassady, his great friend and inspiration.
An experimental novel which remained unpublished for years, Visions of Cody is Kerouac's fascinating examination of his own New York life, in a collection of colourful stream-of-consciousness essays.
On the Road by Jack Kerouac is the exhilarating novel that defined the Beat Generation and is a 2012 major motion picture starring Kristen Stewart, Kirsten Dunst and Sam Riley, beautifully repackaged as part of the Penguin Essentials range.
The novel's themes include masculinity and male friendship. London discusses various life experiences he has had with alcohol, and at widely different stages in his life.
Set in San Francisco, this is the story of Martin Eden, an impoverished seaman who pursues, obsessively and aggressively, dreams of education and literary fame.
Part science fiction, part dystopian fantasy, part radical socialist tract, Jack London's The Iron Heel offers a grim depiction of warfare between the classes in America and around the globe.
For thirty years, Julien has lived with the question as to why his mother, Helene, suddenly walked out on him and his father - and why his father Henri refused to ever speak of her again.
Elles sont quarante, enfermées dans une cave, sous la surveillance d'impassibles gardiens qui les nourrissent. La plus jeune - la narratrice - n'a jamais vécu ailleurs.
Before Jackie Collins, Candace Bushnell and Lena Dunham, Jacqueline Susann held the world rapt with her tales of the private passions of Hollywood starlets, high-powered industrialists and the jet-set.
David Courty mene une existence discrete et insipide entre sa femme Mira et sa fille Caroline, une adolescente taciturne. La découverte du cadavre de Mira et la disparition de Caroline dans des circonstances troublantes vont changer le cours de sa vie.
Deti moi - novyj roman Guzel Jakhinoj, samoj jarkoj debjutantki v istorii rossijskoj literatury novejshego vremeni, laureata premij «Bolshaja kniga» i «Jasnaja Poljana» za bestseller «Zulejkha otkryvaet glaza».
Roman "Zulejkha otkryvaet glaza" nachinaetsja zimoj 1930 goda v glukhoj tatarskoj derevne. Krestjanku Zulejkhu vmeste s sotnjami drugikh pereselentsev otpravljajut v vagone-teplushke po izvechnomu katorzhnomu marshrutu v Sibir.