
In stock

Number of results: 3931

Victor Hugo: Les Misérables


Tolstoy is said to have called Les Miserables the greatest novel ever written, and it exerted a powerful influence on the creation of War and Peace.


Price: 7 275 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies

Victor Hugo: Notre-Dame de Paris

POCKET, 2019

De cette épopée hallucinée, ces monstres et ces figures s'échappent pour franchir les siecles, archétypes de notre mythologie nationale, de notre art et de notre Histoire.


Price: 3 395 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies

Victor Hugo: Notre-Dame de Paris


More commonly known as The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, Victor Hugo's Romantic novel of dark passions and unrequited love, Notre-Dame de Paris, is translated with an introduction by John Sturrock in Penguin Classics.


Price: 3 750 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies

Victor Hugo: Sobor Parizhskoj Bogomateri

EKSMO, 2022

Sobor Parizhskoj Bogomateri - eto pervyj istoricheskij roman na frantsuzskom jazyke, kotoryj byl sozdan blagodarja stremleniju sokhranit velichestvennyj pamjatnik arkhitektury.


Price: 5 550 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies

Victor Hugo:Les Miserables


Victor Hugo's tale of injustice, heroism and love follows the fortunes of Jean Valjean, an escaped convict determined to put his criminal past behind him.


Price: 9 350 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 2-3 weeks

Victoria Hislop: The Figurine


Concealed in the Athens apartment she has inherited from her grandparents, Helena discovers a hidden hoard of rare antiquities, amassed during a dark period in Greek history when the city and its people were gripped by a brutal military dictatorship.


Price: 5 550 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies

Victoria Hislop: The Island


The Petrakis family lives in the small Greek seaside village of Plaka. Just off the coast is the tiny island of Spinalonga, where the nation's leper colony once was located—a place that has haunted four generations of Petrakis women.


Price: 5 390 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies

Victoria Park: Gemma Reeves


Mona and Wolfie have lived on Victoria Park for over fifty years. Now, on the eve of their sixty-fifth wedding anniversary, they must decide how to navigate Mona's declining health.


Price: 4 350 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies

Viktor Olegovich Pelevin: Iskusstvo legkikh kasanij

EKSMO, 2019

V chem svjaz mezhdu monstrami s kryshi Notr-Dama, shedevrami Goji, samobytnym misticheskim putem Rossii i transgendernymi ubornymi Severnoj Ameriki?


Price: 11 400 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 7-8 weeks

Viktor Olegovich Pelevin: Transhumanism inc.

EKSMO, 2021

V buduschem bogatye ljudi smogut otdelit svoj mozg ot starjaschegosja tela - i stanut zhit pochti vechno v osobom "banochnom" izmerenii.


Price: 14 825 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 7-8 weeks

Viktor Pelevin: Lampa Mafusaila, ili Krajnjaja bitva chekistov s masonami

EKSMO, 2016

Kak izvestno, slozhnoe mezhdunarodnoe polozhenie nashej strany objasnjaetsja ostrym konfliktom rossijskogo rukovodstva s mirovym masonstvom. No malo komu ponjatny korni etogo protivostojanija, ego finansovaja podopleka i okkultnyj smysl.


Price: 13 100 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 7-8 weeks

Viktor Pelevin: Smotritel (Kniga 1)

EKSMO, 2016

Imperator Pavel Pervyj, velikij alkhimik i mesmerist, ne byl ubit zagovorschikami – perevorot byl spektaklem, pozvolivshim emu nezametno pokinut Peterburg.


Price: 9 975 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 7-8 weeks

Viktor Pelevin: Smotritel (Kniga 2.)

EKSMO, 2015

Aleksis de Kizhe – Smotritel Idilliuma, novogo mira, sozdannogo Pavlom Alkhimikom i Frantsem-Antonom Mesmerom vo vremena Frantsuzskoj revoljutsii. Aleksis – Bljustitel miroporjadka.


Price: 9 425 Ft

Not in stock

Viktor Pelevin: Tajnye vidy na goru Fudzi

EKSMO, 2018

Gotovy li vy oschutit realnost tak, kak perezhivali ee askety i magi drevnej Indii dve s polovinoj tysjachi let nazad? I esli da, khvatit li u vas na eto deneg?


Price: 12 750 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 7-8 weeks

Number of results: 3931