Theodore Dreiser: Sister Carrie - Signet Classics

Theodore Dreiser's first and perhaps most accessible novel, Sister Carrie is an epic of urban life - the story of an innocent heroine adrift in an indifferent city.
ISBN: 9780451531148
Author: Theodore Dreiser
Page: 494
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2009
Format: Book
Publisher: SIGNET BOOK
Language: English

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Price: 1 150 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Theodore Dreiser's first and perhaps most accessible novel, Sister Carrie is an epic of urban life - the story of an innocent heroine adrift in an indifferent city. When small-town girl Carrie Meeber sets out for Chicago, she is equipped with nothing but a few dollars, a certain unspoiled beauty and charm, and a pitiful lack of preparation for the complex moral choices she will face.


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