Nick Flynn: The Ticking is the Bomb

ISBN: 9780571243709
Author: Nick Flynn
Page: 304
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2010
Format: Book
Publisher: FABER & FABER
Language: English

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Price: 3 850 Ft

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Set just before the birth of Flynn's first child, a daughter, this impassioned memoir explores the fears and joys of becoming a father, whilst artfully interweaving passages from Flynn's own childhood. Haunted by a history of addiction, a relationship with a fantasist father and a longing to connect with his mother, who committed suicide when he was a child, Flynn explores these painful memories and unsteady relationships to create an unflinching and unforgettable story. The time bomb of the title becomes a vehicle for exploring his impending fatherhood, which brings him face to face with the stark realities of humanity - among them, the terror, torture and political crimes that begin to haunt him.


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