F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Beautiful and Damned

Scott Fitzgerald's second novel, 'The beautiful and damned' is a savage and haunting satire of the young, rootless post-war generation who live intent only on the pursuit of wealth and decadent pleasure.
ISBN: 9780451530431
Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald
Page: 379
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2007
Format: Book
Publisher: BERKLEY
Language: English

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Price: 2 650 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Anthony Patch's marriage to the beautiful but selfish Gloria is idyllic at first but the union slowly disintegrates as reality sets in and their goal becomes Adam Patch's fortune. Gloria's beauty fades, and Anthony's drinking takes its toll. Charting the corrosive attraction of wealth and its malign influence, 'The beautiful and damned' is also a vivid portrait of early twentieth-century New York and the sights and sounds of the city's burgeoning night life.


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