Emma Donoghue: Astray

With the turn of each page, the characters that roam across these pages go astray. They are emigrants, runaways, drifters, gold miners and counterfeiters, attorneys and slaves.
ISBN: 9781447209508
Author: Emma Donoghue
Page: 274
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2012
Format: Book
Publisher: PICADOR
Language: English

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Price: 2 495 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 4-6 weeks


They cross borders of race, law, sex, and sanity. They travel for love or money, under duress or incognito. A sequence of fourteen fact-inspired fictions about travels to, in and from North America, Astray offers a past in scattered pieces, a surprisingand moving history for restless times.


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