E. M. Forster: Where Angels Fear to Tread

E. M. Forster's first novel is a witty comedy of manners that is tinged with tragedy.
ISBN: 9780141199252
Author: E. M. Forster
Page: 176
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2012
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 2 990 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


It tells the story of Lilia Herriton, who proves to be an embarrassment to her late husband's family as, in the small Tuscan town of Monteriano, she begins a relationship with a much younger Italian man - classless, uncouth and highly unsuitable. A subtle attack on decorous Edwardian values and a humanely sympathetic portrayal of the clash of two cultures, Where Angels Fear to Tread is also a profound exploration of character and virtue.


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