Daniel Kehlmann: Me and Kaminski

Sebastian Zollner is searching for his big break. A failure as a journalist, a boyfriend, and a human being, he sets out to write the essential biography of the eccentric painter Manuel Kaminski.
ISBN: 9780307389893
Author: Daniel Kehlmann
Page: 195
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2009
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 3 850 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Sebastian Zollner is searching for his big break. A failure as a journalist, a boyfriend, and a human being, he sets out to write the essential biography of the eccentric painter Manuel Kaminski. All he needs to do is ingratiate himself into Kaminski s family, wait for him to kick the bucket, and then reap the rewards. There s only one problem. Kaminski has an agenda of his own, an agenda that will send them on a wild-goose chase to places neither of them ever expected to go.


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