Alan Hollinghurst: The Line of Beauty

It is the summer of 1983, and young Nick Guest, an innocent in the matters of politics and money, has moved into an attic room in the Notting Hill home of the Feddens:...
ISBN: 9780330483216
Author: Alan Hollinghurst
Page: 501
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2004
Format: Book
Publisher: PICADOR
Language: English

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Price: 4 290 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


....Gerald, an ambitious new Tory MP, his wealthy wife Rachel, and their children Toby and Catherine. Nick had idolized Toby at Oxford, but in his London life it will be the troubled Catherine who becomes his friend and his uneasy responsibility. At theboom years of the mid-80s unfold, Nick becomes caught up in the Feddens’ world. In an era of endless possibility, Nick finds himself able to pursue his own private obsession, with beauty – a prize as compelling to him as power and riches are to his friends


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