Terry Pratchett: Thief of Time

Time is a resource. Everyone knows it has to be managed.
ISBN: 9780552167642
Author: Terry Pratchett
Page: 427
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2013
Format: Book
Publisher: CORGI BOOKS
Language: English

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Price: 4 290 Ft

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And on Discworld that is the job of the Monks of History, who store it and pump it from the places where it’s wasted (like underwater – how much time does a codfish need?) to places like cities, where there’s never enough time.
But the construction of the world’s first truly accurate clock starts a race against, well, time for Lu Tze and his apprentice Lobsang Ludd. Because it will stop time. And that will only be the start of everyone’s problems.


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